Time is never on our side; cliché but 2020 has made me see and appreciate time. There’s always going to be a silver lining like this year I’ve made new friends, got back to drawing and learnt to appreciate myself more. Do what makes me happy and not undermine myself and potential. There’s always going to be high highs and low lows but the lessons we get from that is what matters. Being spiritually strong or efficient is necessary. Being judgmental isn’t good. People do what they feel is right so we should let go and let God. And mind our business.DAISY

For me at the end of it all what matters is the relationship we have with those we have around us…family, friends etc. All the other things we chase is vanity.MAKENA

Your health is the most important wealth.WANGUVU

Get a side hustle, Save for a rainy day, Get comfortable in your own company.SAITOTI KITI

1. Count your blessings: just because it was a crappy year because of a lot of things doesn’t mean it was all bad. 

2. Growth isn’t an elevator, be it professionally or personally: Sometimes growth happens by moving on the same level instead of up and that’s okay.

3. Perspective is everything and your perspective attracts similar or relevant opportunities and people.DELPHINE

I learnt that it was not the year to achieve all your goals but to appreciate what I have because they are many things I wanted to accomplish this year but Corona had other plans so every little thing I accomplished am grateful.CHRISTINE

Life is a beautiful delicate gift that we are given to hold, mould, experience then return. Earn the gift. Find your purpose. Live your passion. Embrace love. Allow joy. Be grateful.NDANU


Biggest lesson; If you want to do something, do it now, do it afraid, do it broke, do it whichever way you can but just do it. The world could literally stop and clearly it gives no warning.NYATICHI

2020 has taught me plans are just  time-framed fantasies. Whatever is destined happens; planned or not.JOSKY

Be humble, connect with God and family, save and be comfortable with the impermanence of people and things.MALCOLM

Saving a lot, taking a day at a time and never taking life for granted.AUDI

Love like your life depends on it. Sometimes it can be hard to find a reason to love but one must always remember to choose love. It is the light to the pathway of happiness. Love for self and first others as well as what we set out our hearts and minds to do.OKWEEZY

There’s more to life than education. Scratch that. First of all, It’s everything. Kama ningekuwa na papers singekaa home hio period yote.MARIA

1. Health is wealth

2. It’s good to save

3. Life is uncertain 

4. Family is everything SUSAN

Stop or you will be stopped. Do the things you want to do when you have time, energy, freedom. Stop pushing it to another time cause future is just a wish and the world can decide to stop you from doing it. Work on your craft and be indispensable, most people have lost jobs but at the same people are being hired and others making it big in their fields because no matter the circumstances their craft is a necessity, you can’t wish them away.WAKARATU

It’s been a introspective year for me and this is what I drew; Desist from using comfort zones as an excuse to not push boundaries.  

Every man in their twenties must endeavor to find out what masculinity means, and means to them. Have an income no matter how small it may seem. Holistic mentors are ‘importanter’ for any young soul.

Realise and acknowledge things you’ve taken for granted. Talk to people about their values and aspirations.BRIAN

There’s no befitting way to summarize the rawness expressed in this post. We are humbled to have been entrusted with the thoughts and words of some of the greatest people of our time.

From us to you Merry Christmas ? and a happy New Year.

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